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About Rigging Math Made Simple, Second Edition

     The job of an entertainment rigger is to safely suspend objects (scenery, lights, sound equipment, platforms, and even performers) at very specific locations above the ground. The type, size and location of the structural members from which these objects must be suspended vary greatly from venue to venue. Additionally, the size, weight, and location of each object varies from object to object.  To ensure that each object is safely suspended at the proper location, math is essential. If you want to be a top-notch rigger, you have to know math. Math does not have to be hard. It is a lot like baking - you need a good recipe, and then you just have to follow it - EXACTLY.

     The Second Edition of Rigging Math Made Simple expands on the first edition by providing more formulas and guideline for solving rigging problems, especially for those interested in arena rigging. It also contains links to files (Excel workbooks) that can be downloaded for free. These workbooks help solve many math problems related to arena rigging. There are also additional lesson and appendices related to theatrical rigging as well. In all, this edition has approximately 70 pages of additional materials.

     Rigging Math Made Simple, Second Edition, is a great resource for anyone studying for either ETCP rigging certification exam, or anyone just wanting a reference book of rigging formulas.

Author: Delbert L. Hall
Book length: 214 pages
Cost: $19.95

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